This last Thursday, July 7, we were invited to the San Francisco Exploratorium to display our walking bike during the BYOBeest event. The event showcased Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest creations, which are on exhibit at the museum through September.
The event was a lot of fun. We were well received by the museum staff and guests. During the night, we gave over 100 people rides on the bike. It was a bit hit. The Exploratorium is a great place, and has an amazing fabrication shop on site, which we were given a tour of, and even got to use a little to make a small repair to our bike.
The museum decided to put the bike on display during the Theo Jansen exhibit. So it’s found a nice home for a while in one of the best science and tinkering museums. It was a great honor to have our strange creation find it’s way to this place. The journey so far has been very fun for all of us, and we hope everyone enjoys seeing the bike in person during its stay at the Exploratorium!